Tabom. The Afro-Brazilian Community in Ghana


Tabom. The Afro-Brazilian Community in Ghana
Marco Aurelio Schaumloeffel

Tabom. The Afro-Brazilian Community In GhanaThe first book on the History of the Tabom, the community of the Afro-Brazilian returnees in Ghana. They returned to Ghana from Bahia between 1829 – 1836. “This book seems to be small, but has many doors, as if it were a mansion. They lead to several and different sceneries and let us see, first, in tail-coat and top-hat, and later wrapped in a beautiful kenté cloth, the human beings who filled them and whose stories the Tabom of today repeat by heart. If in its pages we learnt a lot about the Tabom People, thanks to the accuracy and the intelligence with which Marco A. Schaumloeffel listened and read, they demand from us, that we learn more.” (Alberto da Costa e Silva).
ISBN 1440460655 EAN 978-1440460654

You can find the book here: Tabom. The Afro-Brazilian Community in Ghana

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